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- TidBITS#63/27-May-91
- ====================
- Copyright 1990-1992 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
- publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Other
- publications please contact us. We do not guarantee the accuracy
- of articles. Publication, product, and company names may be
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- For more information send electronic mail to info@tidbits.uucp or
- Internet: ace@tidbits.uucp -- CIS: 72511,306 -- AOL: Adam Engst
- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/27-May-91
- SevenBITS/27-May-91
- Storage Notes
- BAT News
- Reviews/27-May-91
- MailBITS/27-May-91
- ------------------
- Douglas Wyman writes, "At the Las Vegas 90 Fall COMDEX I saw a
- prototype digital camera which used EEROM cards instead of still-
- video floppies to record images. The image was digitized in color
- and stored on the card which could then be read out by a display
- device. The obvious (and visibly apparent) benefit was the
- stability of the output image which did not shudder and shake when
- being displayed. I too have examined the still-video devices such
- as the Canon cameras and do not accept the digital - analog -
- digital approach that their use requires. The rotating analog
- playback mechanisms introduce too much shake to the image and
- require mechanical movement for something that could be all-
- digital and all-electronic. I hope some other vendor is able to
- move ahead with that technology before still-video gets a firm
- hold on the consumer's attention."
- Information from:
- Douglas Wyman -- esfm01.SINet.SLB.COM
- SevenBITS/27-May-91
- -------------------
- Everyone has been complaining for the last few years about System
- 7 needing 2 MB of RAM to run. Given the low price of memory (about
- $40 per MB), getting another megabyte shouldn't bankrupt too many
- people. Still, is 2 MB enough? I personally consider a 1 MB Mac
- Plus pretty unusable for the level of things I do (OK, so I run
- out of memory on my 8 MB SE/30 - what if I'm a tad spoiled), will
- a 2 MB Classic be much different? We've been testing that
- recently, since Tonya just got herself a 2 MB Classic that we
- haven't gotten around to upping the memory yet. We are still
- learning the best way to manage its memory, but it looks as though
- verdict will be that if you want to run memory hogs like Word 4,
- you will be a bit limited in what you can do and everything will
- slow down, sometimes rather significantly. We have also run into
- some strange problems with the System 7 files sharing on our
- mini-LocalTalk network between the Classic and the SE/30 (the
- SE/30 is running 6.0.5). We will report on the details of the
- strange problems if we ever figure them out (it looks like later
- tonight we will install DataClub, which may work more smoothly).
- These are the basic System 7 memory guidelines from Apple, though
- we are not yet convinced of their complete accuracy. If you
- currently have 1 MB, use System 6 and one program. If you have 2
- MB, System 7 and one program will work fine. 2.5 MB of RAM allows
- you to run System 7 with maybe two programs, and anything over 3
- MB allows you to run even more programs or a single memory hog
- like Photoshop. Of course, if you have a ton of INITs, whoops,
- extensions, the amount of extra memory shrinks rapidly. Another
- place memory might disappear is if you use file sharing, which
- eats another 260K to 300K of RAM.
- We heard that CE Software does not plan to make version 2.5 (soon
- to be released) of their popular QuickMail package completely
- System 7 compatible. The client software will be System 7
- compatible and 32-bit clean, but the QM Server and the QM
- Administrator will not be. CE says that they talked to their
- largest sites and decided not to make 2.5 compatible because the
- sites weren't upgrading their servers to System 7 and because it
- would entail a significant rewrite of QuickMail. CE will
- undoubtedly support System 7 in the future, but since it's taken a
- while for them to finish 2.5, it could be a long time before a
- System 7-studly version of QuickMail arrives. With Microsoft as
- competition, this doesn't seem to be a terrifically bright move on
- CE's part. If you are interested in participating in the
- discussion and wish to make your feelings known to CE, there are
- two things you should do. First, send mail to CESOFTWARE at
- AppleLink (CESOFTWARE@applelink.apple.com) or America Online.
- Second, there is a QM-L LISTSERV at Yale for discussing QuickMail.
- To subscribe, send a one line mailfile saying SUBSCRIBE QM-L Your
- Name (replace Your Name with the appropriate information - I'm
- sure you can all figure it out) to LISTSERV@YALEVM.BITNET. You'll
- then get information on the list along with messages sent by other
- people. CE monitors that list.
- On a related note, I've just heard of a new LISTSERV dedicated to
- talking about System 7. I haven't had time to check it out, what
- with getting married and all, but it should be interesting if
- you're having trouble with System 7 or are concerned about issues
- surrounding the upgrade. To quote from the announcement: "The new
- list, SYS7-L, is specifically dedicated to the problems of
- installation, configuaration and features of the new system, as
- well as issues relating to product compatibility. We hope that
- this will serve the Macintosh community well, by providing a
- hopefully closer look at this new product without diluting the
- excellent quality of existing Mac mailing lists." To subscribe to
- the list send a mailfile containing SUBSCRIBE SYS7-L Your Name
- (same deal with replacement as before) to LISTSERV@UAFSYSB.BITNET.
- If you have questions, comments, or problems, ask David Remington,
- the list's owner, at DAVIDR@UAFSYSB or davidr@uafsysb.uark.edu. I
- recommend that you follow a list like this for complete
- information on System 7, since there's no way TidBITS can carry
- all the good information about System 7. We're sticking with the
- most interesting and most important stuff, but there's lots of
- other useful information we can't include.
- Apple's Compatibility Checker claims that Disinfectant 2.4 is not
- compatible and should be upgraded to 2.5. Unfortunately, there is
- no 2.5 - it's a myth. Disinfectant 2.4 is compatible with System 7
- as long as you leave the @Disinfectant INIT in the System Folder
- proper, not the Extensions folder. John Norstad has said that he
- is working on Disinfectant 3.0, which will take full advantage of
- System 7 and knowing John, it will be truly snazzy to boot. Along
- with balloon help and the ability to drop icons on the
- Disinfectant icon to have them checked, Disinfectant will have an
- AppleEvent that allows other programs to ask Disinfectant to check
- files. That should help when downloading. I believe that the only
- thing Disinfectant will be unable to prevent is infection via file
- sharing, so watch the rest of the people on your network
- carefully. :-)
- Finally, in a thread discussing why Mac word processors don't do
- typesetting like TeX, Brian Diehm mentioned that he'd heard that
- Interleaf for the Mac was a major test site for System 7 because
- it was the first major application being written from the ground
- up for System 7, rather than being ported up from System 6. Brian
- thought that a new release of Interleaf for the Mac, complete with
- a full Macintosh interface and System 7-studliness, might be
- coming soon. Of course, if I remember correctly, Interleaf was so
- expensive that only a site that used it on workstations as well
- and wanted the compatibility would use it. Perhaps this release
- will also bring a price reduction and put Interleaf into the world
- of the affordable.
- Information from:
- Mark H. Anbinder -- mha@memory.uucp
- David Remington -- davidr@uafsysb.uark.edu
- John Norstad -- j-norstad@nwu.edu
- Brian Diehm -- briand@tekig10.PEN.TEK.COM
- Storage Notes
- -------------
- I'm always interested in newer and bigger forms of mass storage,
- and a number of interesting announcements have come out in the
- last few months. Probably the storage device that will gain
- acceptance the fastest is the 88 MB SyQuest drive, which will
- first appear from PLI, MicroNet, and Mass Microsystems. Prices
- will be high at first, a bit under $2000 for the drive and about
- $200 for the cartridge, both of which are more than twice as much
- as you might pay for a 44 MB SyQuest drive from a reputable
- vendor. The drives won't be any faster than their predecessors,
- but SyQuest says that they are more reliable. SyQuest will
- continue making the 44 MB version indefinitely, and the 88 MB
- drives will read but not write existing 44 MB cartridges.
- The 88 MB SyQuest drives may hurt the market for another storage
- technology that has been around for a while. Pinnacle Micro
- announced a 130 MB magneto-optical drive quite some time ago, and
- it should start shipping in volume sometime this summer. The
- drives are similar to the 650 MB erasable opticals, but the 130 MB
- drive uses a 3.5" optical disk. The smaller disk allows the heads
- to move a shorter distance, decreasing the access times to about
- 35 milliseconds or about the speed of a slow hard disk. Part of
- the problem faced by these drive is the price, which runs about
- $3000, though I'd expect to see that drop once the drives are in
- full production. The SyQuest drives came down in price once they
- became popular, so if the erasable opticals offer enough speed and
- reliability, they could do quite well.
- In May, a company called DJK plans to ship a 20 MB floptical (it
- uses high density magnetic media with servo tracks optically
- encoded onto the disk surface) that will use 3.5" floptical disks
- that look like standard floppies. The external SCSI device will be
- relatively slow with an 85 millisecond access time, and it has a
- mean time between failures of 15,000 hours. The developer of the
- technology, Insite Peripherals, claims it achieved its goal of
- being able to read and write standard Mac and DOS floppies (though
- not 800K Mac disks). The main questions still remaining are the
- price and the media reliability. There is an excellent explanation
- of how these beasts work in the Oct-90 issue of BYTE.
- CD-ROM and WORM drives are becoming more and more similar all the
- time. A group with the vaguely odd name of the Frankfurt Group
- (JVC, Sony, and Philips are the main members) released a spec for
- a write-once CD-ROM drive that can read all current CD-ROMs,
- although current CD-ROM drives can't read all the writable CDs.
- There are a couple of possible reasons for this limitation. First,
- there might be a different method of laying down the data between
- which the user would have to choose (concentric circles instead of
- a single spiral for instance). Second, there could be other
- variables, such as media tolerances that some standard CD drives
- could read but others couldn't. No telling at the moment. JVC has
- a drive which will probably be priced around $2500 for end users,
- but no word on what each disk would cost.
- As CD-ROMs get closer to WORMs, WORMs get closer to erasable
- optical drives. Reflection Systems has a drive that uses a phase
- change technology to flip bits optically, much as magnetic media
- does with magnetic bits. The phase change method is quite a bit
- faster (about 90 milliseconds) than standard magneto-optical
- technology, which has to erase the existing data, write the new
- data, and verify it, taking three passes to the single pass
- necessary with phase change. The phase change technology is fast
- enough that the DVI (Digital Video Interactive) people are
- interested because it combines massive rewritable removable
- storage with decent speed for full motion video. The only drawback
- to the phase change method is that it may cause the disks to wear
- out faster, though only time will tell on that account. The drives
- will be marketed by Panasonic (aka Matsushita, the original
- maker), Corel Systems, Avid and Montage for about $4000 and the
- disks will run about $250 each. That sounds pricey, but each disk
- will hold 1 GB of data (500 MB per side and yes, you do have to
- flip the disk manually), so it's extremely cost effective after
- just a couple of disks. For an explanation of how phase change
- works, check out the article on it in the Nov-90 BYTE.
- Back in the mundane world of floppies, it's looking like the next
- size for the standard floppy will be 2.8 MB. NeXT standardized on
- the Sony 2.8 MB drive when it added a floppy to the NeXTstation
- and NeXTcube, and I've heard rumors about Apple putting a 2.8 MB
- drive into future Macs. I gather that people at Apple aren't that
- thrilled with the 2.8 MB technology because switching standard
- disk formats tends to confuse and irritate users for a year or two
- after the switch. In addition, 2.8 MB just isn't that much more
- than 1.4 MB these days. Floppies are primarily used for backup and
- transfer, neither of which require somewhat larger floppies. Now
- 20 MB floppies - that's a different story.
- Corel -- 613/728-8200
- DJK Development -- 313/254-2632
- Mass Microsystems -- 800/522-7979 -- 408/522-1200
- MicroNet Technology, Inc. -- 714/837-6033
- Panasonic -- 800/742-8086 -- 201/348-7000
- Pinnacle Micro -- 800/553-7070 -- 714/727-3300
- PLI -- 800/288-8754 -- 415/657-2211
- Reflection -- 800/445-9400 -- 408/432-0943
- Corel -- 613/728-8200
- DJK Development -- 313/254-2632
- Mass Microsystems -- 800/522-7979 -- 408/522-1200
- MicroNet Technology, Inc. -- 714/837-6033
- Panasonic -- 800/742-8086 -- 201/348-7000
- Pinnacle Micro -- 800/553-7070 -- 714/727-3300
- PLI -- 800/288-8754 -- 415/657-2211
- Reflection -- 800/445-9400 -- 408/432-0943
- Information from:
- Pinnacle Micro propaganda
- Joe from Reflection Systems.
- Related articles:
- PC WEEK -- 25-Mar-91, Vol. 8, #12, pg. 101
- InfoWorld -- 25-Mar-91, Vol. 13, #12, pg. 8
- MacWEEK -- 26-Mar-91, Vol. 5, #12, pg. 29
- MacWEEK -- 19-Feb-91, Vol. 5, #7, pg. 1, 8
- BYTE -- Oct-90, pg. 301
- BYTE -- Nov-90, pg. 289
- BAT News
- --------
- One of my favorite people to talk to is Ward Bond, president of
- Infogrip, because he always pushes the envelope of technology.
- Infogrip makes the BAT chord keyboard, which should show up in the
- Mac market after they get enough money to pay an industrial
- designer to snazz it up for picky consumers. It's already being
- sold to CAD users, I gather, since they don't care much what it
- looks like as long as it saves time, which it does.
- In any event, Infogrip has two new products which fit right in
- with what I've been saying for a long time about peripatetic (a
- nice Greek word meaning "performed while moving around")
- computing. The most exciting of these products from a retail
- standpoint is the Mini-BAT, which is palmtop computer like the
- Sharp Wizard or the new HP 95LX. Like the Sharp Wizard, the Mini-
- BAT does not use DOS, which can either be good or bad, depending
- on your compu-religious affiliation. The Mini-BAT comes with word
- processing software, calendar/alarm software, database software,
- 64K of memory, and a NiCad battery pack that lasts for 40 hours of
- working between charges. For more money on top of the retail price
- (less than $600) you can add up to 576K of memory, a Lotus 1-2-3
- compatible spreadsheet, a pocket fax modem, an alphanumeric pager,
- a kit for transferring data to a PC or a Mac, and last but not
- least, foreign language translation programs for Spanish, French,
- and German. That's pretty impressive for a non-DOS palmtop. Like
- both the Wizard and the 95LX, the Mini-BAT has a full (if
- something 3.5" x 7" x .8" and weighing less than a pound can have
- "full" associated with it in any way) keyboard. Unlike the other
- two, or any other portable computer of any size, the Mini-BAT also
- includes a special seven-key chord keyboard so you can actually
- type on it, even without looking. A friend lent me a Digital Diary
- for a while, and although I liked what it could do as far as
- keeping track of information, I hated entering information on its
- pseudo-keyboard so much I finally stopped using it out of pure
- irritation. In the BYTE review of the HP 95LX, they say that its
- main downfall is its abysmal keyboard. The reviewer even made a
- nasty comment about how not only was typing the Great American
- Novel not possible on this keyboard, even the Great American short
- story would be pretty hard to manage. The Mini-BAT should be able
- to put all current portable computer keyboards to shame because
- anyone can learn to touch-type on a chord keyboard quickly since
- you don't have to move your fingers around to different keys. The
- ability to type without looking at either the screen or the
- keyboard should minimize the Mini-BAT's main limitation, which is
- a small LCD screen.
- Infogrip's other new product gets around the Mini-BAT's screen
- limitation, and if your compu-religious affiliation involves
- bowing toward Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond five times a
- day, you will like the Walk-Around Chordable Computer with Private
- Eye. It's a long name, but basically you get a portable 8086,
- 80286, or 80386 computer running DOS. You wear the computer around
- your neck like a guitar, and use a BAT chord keyboard to enter
- information. Display is handled by the head-mounted Private Eye,
- which weighs less than three ounces and provides what looks like a
- full-size screen floating a few feet in front of you. No need to
- worry about electromagnetic fields with this baby, although you
- might walk into walls occasionally. That's all we know about the
- Walk-Around, so call Ward at Infogrip if you want more
- information.
- Another project that Infogrip is working on but hasn't mentioned
- to the popular press is something with the terrible name of
- CompCap. The company that thought of the name and the product is
- Park Engineering, and the machine is an 8086 DOS computer
- shoehorned into a hardhat. A Private Eye provides the display and
- if everything goes right, a BAT should be included for text entry.
- For those of you who wear hardhats a lot (architects, construction
- people, engineers, people with soft heads, etc.), a CompCap is an
- excellent way to keep the computing power close at hand, or
- perhaps I should say, under your hat.
- Ward said that he was talking to people at Apple, so if we're
- lucky a future Apple portable will have a reasonable keyboard.
- I've heard from a couple of people now that Apple may release some
- small, possibly pen-based, machines using RISC or 68040 chips in
- the next year. Perhaps the most interesting of these will be an
- el-cheapo handheld in the $600 range that would be ideal with a
- BAT keyboard. Actually, since it's looking as though there will be
- separate pen-based, handheld, and notebook machines, the BAT would
- work well with all of them, and would take care of my main
- complaints with pen-based computers. You use the pen for the
- simple stuff and the BAT for the real text entry and you get the
- best of both worlds without a massive keyboard weighing you down.
- Nice thought, that. Anyone at Apple listening?
- Infogrip -- 504/336-0033
- Park Engineering, Don Merriam -- 206/747-3309
- Information from:
- Ward Bond, Infogrip
- Infogrip propaganda
- Bob Cringely
- Reviews/27-May-91
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK
- Excel 3.0, pg. 64
- NetUpdater, pg. 64
- MathWriter 2.0, pg. 68
- form*Z 1.02, pg. 68
- GEOvista 1.1, pg. 71
- INtouch, pg. 72
- TouchBASE, pg. 72
- Crystal Ball 2.0, pg. 72
- PC/Mac Translation Programs, pg. 79
- MacLinkPlus/PC 5.0
- Word for Word/Mac
- Software Bridge Mac
- LapLinkMac III
- * InfoWorld
- HP LaserJet IIIP, pg. 149
- * BYTE
- HP 95LX Palmtop, pg. 44
- Apple Personal LaserWriter LS & StyleWriter, pg. 48
- FreeHand 3.0, pg. 62
- Storm PicturePress compression board, pg. 263
- Kodak Color Diconix, pg. 287
- References:
- MacWEEK -- 21-May-91, Vol. 5, #20
- InfoWorld -- 20-May-91, Vol. 13, #20
- BYTE -- May-91
- ..
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